Quiz: Can we Measure if You are Afraid of Commitment?


This quiz is designed to help you assess your feelings about commitment in relationships. Answer each question honestly based on your own experiences and feelings.

Afraid of Commitment Quiz

Choose the option that best reflects your thoughts or behaviors.

1. How do you feel when your partner talks about long-term plans or future commitments?

a) Excited and eager to discuss and make plans together.

b) Comfortable, but sometimes a bit hesitant or unsure.

c) Anxious or uneasy, and you try to change the subject or avoid the conversation.

2. What is your reaction when your partner suggests moving in together?

a) You see it as a natural progression in the relationship and feel positively about it.

b) You consider it carefully, weighing the pros and cons before making a decision.

c) You feel overwhelmed or panicked at the thought of sharing living space and commitment.

3. How do you typically handle disagreements or conflicts in your relationship?

a) You openly communicate and work together to find solutions.

b) You try to compromise and find common ground, although it can be challenging at times.

c) You tend to avoid confrontation or withdraw from the situation to avoid commitment to resolving the issue.

4. When your partner expresses a desire to meet your family or friends, how do you react?

a) You welcome the idea and plan a gathering to introduce them.

b) You feel a bit nervous but ultimately agree to it and make arrangements.

c) You feel reluctant or resistant, finding excuses to delay or avoid the meeting.

5. How do you feel about making significant financial decisions together with your partner?

a) You’re comfortable pooling resources and making joint financial plans.

b) You prefer discussing financial matters openly but may want to maintain some financial independence.

c) You feel anxious or stressed about sharing financial responsibilities and making long-term commitments.

6. Imagine your partner expresses a desire to get married someday. How do you feel about this?

a) You feel excited and open to the idea of marriage with the right person.

b) You’re open to the idea but prefer to take your time and ensure it’s the right decision.

c) You feel overwhelmed or scared by the idea of marriage and may even consider ending the relationship.


For each question, give yourself 3 points for selecting option (a), 2 points for option (b), and 1 point for option (c).

Add up your total score to interpret your results.


18-21 points: You are comfortable with commitment and likely embrace it in your relationships.

12-17 points: You have some reservations or concerns about commitment but are generally open to it with the right person.

6-11 points: You may have a fear of commitment or struggle with the idea of making long-term commitments in relationships.

It might be helpful to explore these feelings further, perhaps with the help of a therapist or counselor, to understand and address them.

Would you want to know if you are in love? Look at these 8 sure signs that show you are in love with someone.

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