Funny 1st Anniversary Wishes For Friend To Crack Them Up

Celebrating the first anniversary is a milestone that deserves a good laugh! If its for your friend’s first year of wedded bliss or a year of learning the fine art of compromise, bringing humor into your anniversary wishes can add a joyful touch to the occasion.

In this light-hearted guide, we’ve compiled a list of funny first anniversary wishes perfect for bringing a smile to your friend’s face. From playful jabs to witty observations about married life, these wishes are designed to sprinkle a little extra joy on your friend’s special day.

Funny 1st Anniversary Wishes For Friend

Get ready to share some laughs and make their first anniversary unforgettable with these hilarious and heartwarming messages.

  1. Happy First Year of Surviving Marriage! Here’s to hoping the next years are just as survivable.
  2. One year down, forever to go… or until one of you loses the TV remote. Happy Anniversary!
  3. Congratulations on your first anniversary! By now, you’ve probably figured out that ‘for better or worse’ mostly means ‘for weirder and even weirder.’
  4. Happy Paper Anniversary! May your love be as strong as the takeout menus you’ve undoubtedly collected this year.
  5. One year of marriage: 365 days of debates over where to eat. Keep up the good work!
  6. Happy Anniversary! Remember, the first year of marriage is like a wet cat – awkward but still pretty cute.
  7. One year in and you’re still married – who had that in the betting pool?
  8. Congrats on 12 months of marital bliss and mild sarcasm. Here’s to many more!
  9. Happy 1st Anniversary! It’s the perfect time to start pretending you enjoy each other’s hobbies.
  10. 365 days of being legally bound to love each other – sounds like a hostage situation, but cuter. Happy anniversary!
  11. One year of marriage down and you’ve only threatened divorce 176 times. Success!
  12. Happy anniversary! It’s like a birthday but with more joint bank account vibes.
  13. Congratulations on one year of successfully pretending to laugh at each other’s jokes!
  14. One year in and I’m still waiting for the sitcom of your married life. Happy Anniversary!
  15. Happy First Anniversary! May your arguments always be as pointless and as frequent as they are now.
  16. To a couple who has mastered the art of annoying each other in the most adorable way – happy first anniversary!
  17. Congrats on 365 days of not smothering each other with a pillow. High five!
  18. Happy Anniversary! Here’s to hoping the honeymoon phase lasts until your next Netflix binge.
  19. One year of marriage: You’ve now realized that ‘happily ever after’ means not having to share your dessert.
  20. Congratulations on your first anniversary! Time to renew your lease on this marriage thing.
  21. Happy 1st anniversary! Remember, in marriage, ‘what’s yours is mine and what’s mine is… also mine.’
  22. One year of marriage is like a thriller movie – sometimes scary but always exciting! Happy anniversary!
  23. Happy Anniversary! By now, you should have realized that love is blind, but marriage is a real eye-opener.
  24. One year in, and you’re still tolerating each other’s snoring. Congrats!
  25. Happy First Anniversary! It’s like Valentine’s Day, but with bills.
  26. 365 days of wedded bliss? More like 365 days of Netflix binges and takeout. Congrats!
  27. Congrats on surviving each other for one whole year. May your patience last longer than your phone battery.
  28. Happy Anniversary! May your love last longer than the time it takes to decide what to watch on TV.
  29. One year down! Just remember, the first year is paper, the second is cotton, and the third is… patience.
  30. Happy first year of arguing over the thermostat settings! Many more to come.
  31. Anniversary cheers! May your biggest argument in the next year be about who loves the other more.
  32. One year in and you’re still madly in love… with your phones. Happy anniversary!
  33. Congratulations on 12 months of marital bliss and a shared Netflix account.
  34. One year of marriage equals 525,600 minutes of learning about each other’s weird habits. Happy Anniversary!
  35. Happy Anniversary! Remember, marriage is like a walk in the park… Jurassic Park.
  36. One year of wedded bliss – because ‘bliss’ is code for ‘still figuring out how to load the dishwasher correctly.’
  37. Happy first anniversary! By now, you’ve realized that ‘better or worse’ includes how you load the dishwasher.
  38. One year of marriage: where ‘I do’ turns into ‘You better not!’ Happy Anniversary!
  39. Happy Anniversary! You’ve officially lasted longer than most people’s gym memberships.
  40. Congrats on one year of marriage! It’s like a marathon, but with more cuddling.
  41. Happy 1st Anniversary! It’s time to start pretending you enjoy each other’s family.
  42. One year down, and you haven’t killed each other over the TV remote. That’s love!
  43. Congratulations on your first anniversary! Now you know why they say the first year is the hardest… or was it the easiest?
  44. Happy Anniversary! You two are living proof that love is blind, and so is tolerance.
  45. 365 days later, and you’re still legally bound to share your pizza. That’s love!
  46. Happy first anniversary! Remember, the secret to a happy marriage remains a secret.
  47. One year of marriage: You’ve officially lasted longer than most celebrity marriages. Kudos!
  48. Happy Anniversary! Remember, in the game of marriage, there are no winners, only survivors.
  49. Congrats on one year of marital bliss! You’re now experts at saying ‘I’m sorry, you were right.’
  50. Happy Anniversary! Who knew that ‘for better or worse’ would involve so much laundry?
  51. One year in, and you’re still my favorite weirdo. Congratulations!
  52. Happy first anniversary! You’ve survived marriage longer than most people’s diets.
  53. One year of marriage: You’ve now realized that ‘happily ever after’ just means ‘don’t snore too loudly.’
  54. Happy Anniversary! Now you know, marriage is like a deck of cards. At the start, all you need is two hearts and a diamond, but by the end, you wish you had a club and a spade.
  55. Congratulations! You’ve made it through one year of marriage without using your partner’s toothbrush by mistake.
  56. Happy 1st Anniversary! You’ve now learned that the best way to remember your anniversary is to forget it once.
  57. One year down and you still haven’t figured out who’s the boss. Spoiler: It’s the cat.
  58. Happy Anniversary! Remember, the first rule of marriage is to argue naked. It makes everything more fun!
  59. One year of being married is like attending a concert that never ends. Enjoy the music!
  60. Congrats on one year! Now, which one of you has the remote control?
  61. Happy 1st Anniversary! It’s like a performance review but with more cuddles.
  62. One year of marriage means you’ve almost mastered the art of pretending to listen. Well done!
  63. Happy Anniversary! In the supermarket of love, you’ve earned a loyalty discount.
  64. One year in, and you’re still figuring out who’s the chef and who’s the dishwasher. Congrats!
  65. Happy first anniversary! You’ve proven that love can survive, even if it’s not always Instagram-worthy.
  66. 365 days of wedded bliss? More like 365 days of finding new things to bicker about. Cheers!
  67. Happy Anniversary! Remember, the best way to remember it is to set a reminder on your phone.
  68. One year of marriage down and you’ve only threatened to adopt five cats. That’s restraint!
  69. Congrats on a year of wedded bliss! You’ve earned a gold medal in the spouse Olympics.
  70. Happy 1st Anniversary! It’s like a sitcom, but the laugh track is just you two laughing at your own jokes.
  71. One year of marriage means 365 days of agreeing to disagree. That’s teamwork!
  72. Happy Anniversary! Love is all about understanding each other’s weirdness.
  73. One year down, and you still can’t agree on where to eat. But at least you agree on who to eat with!
  74. Happy first anniversary! You’ve made it through tougher times than most reality TV stars.
  75. 365 days of learning that ‘forever’ has a lot more laundry and dishes than you thought.
  76. Happy Anniversary! You’ve officially reached the ‘completing each other’s sentences’ stage.
  77. One year of marriage: where ‘mine’ becomes ‘ours’ and ‘yours’ stays ‘yours.’ Happy anniversary!
  78. Happy 1st Anniversary! Love is finding that one person to annoy for the rest of your life.
  79. One year in and you’re still arguing over the correct way to fold a fitted sheet. That’s love!
  80. Congrats on your anniversary! You’ve officially spent a year in the world’s longest sleepover.
  81. Happy Anniversary! You’ve had 365 days of learning new things – like how loud a human can snore.
  82. One year of marriage and you’re still binge-watching each other’s quirks. Keep it up!
  83. Happy first anniversary! It’s time to start using your joint Facebook account – said no one ever.
  84. Congratulations on 365 days of shared bathroom space – the true test of love.
  85. Happy Anniversary! May your love story be as epic as your Netflix ‘Recently Watched’ list.
  86. One year down! Who knew that ’till death do us part’ meant ’till death by laundry’?
  87. Happy first anniversary! You’re still each other’s favorite pain in the neck.
  88. One year of marriage: You’ve officially lasted longer than most people’s New Year’s resolutions.
  89. Happy Anniversary! You’ve proven that the best marriages are built on a solid foundation of love, laughter, and forgetting to take out the trash.
  90. One year in, and you’ve realized that marriage is less about romance and more about not fighting over phone chargers.
  91. Happy 1st Anniversary! It’s like a soap opera, but with less drama and more love.
  92. Congratulations! You’ve survived a year of marriage without getting lost in IKEA. That’s a milestone!
  93. Happy Anniversary! May your love continue to be as unpredictable and joyful as your Wi-Fi signal.
  94. One year of wedded bliss – because ‘bliss’ is another word for figuring out whose turn it is to decide what’s for dinner.
  95. Happy first anniversary! You’ve now learned that the best conversations happen during ad breaks.
  96. 365 days of being each other’s favorite weirdo – congratulations!
  97. Happy Anniversary! Your love story is my favorite romantic comedy.
  98. One year of marriage: Where ‘Do you remember?’ is less about memory and more about reminding.
  99. Happy 1st Anniversary! Remember, the couple that laughs together, stays together. Or at least they can laugh about not having anything else in common.
  100. Congrats on one year of marriage! You’ve now realized that ‘happily ever after’ means never having to say you’re sorry… for stealing the blankets.
  101. Happy Anniversary! Here’s to another year of stealing each other’s food and pretending to be mad about it.
  102. One year of marriage – you’re still rookies, but at least now you know who’s the better dishwasher loader.
  103. Happy first anniversary! It’s the perfect time to start an annual tradition of forgetting your anniversary.
  104. 365 days of marital bliss? More like 365 days of finding new things to laugh about. Cheers!
  105. Happy Anniversary! You two are like a fine wine; you get more interesting with each argument over the thermostat.
  106. One year down, and you’re still my favorite roommate. Congrats!
  107. Happy 1st Anniversary! It’s like a trial period, but with more commitment.
  108. One year of marriage: You’ve learned that love is not about how many times you say ‘I love you’ but how often you can hold your tongue.
  109. Happy Anniversary! Here’s to another year of shared weirdness and blanket stealing.
  110. Congratulations on your first year of marriage! You’ve officially lasted longer than most people’s attention span these days.
  111. Happy Anniversary! May your love continue to grow and your WiFi signal always be strong.
  112. One year of marriage – you’ve almost mastered the art of synchronized TV show binge-watching. Well done!
  113. Happy first anniversary! Remember, in marriage, the best joke is the one you both laugh at.
  114. 365 days of being legally bound to your best friend – it’s like a never-ending sleepover with bills.
  115. Happy Anniversary! You’ve survived a year of marriage – your reward is another year of marriage.
  116. One year down, and you still haven’t figured out who’s in charge. It’s the cat, by the way.
  117. Congrats on your first anniversary! May your arguments always be as pointless and your love as endless.
  118. Happy 1st Anniversary! You’ve proven that love is all about finding someone whose weirdness is compatible with yours.
  119. One year of marriage: You’ve realized that ’till death do us part’ is less scary than ’till debt do us part.’
  120. Happy Anniversary! Here’s to another year of mutual weirdness and love.

First anniversaries are a unique blend of love, laughter, and learning. As you celebrate this special day with your friend, remember that the best wishes are those that come from the heart and tickle the funny bone.

Our collection of funny first anniversary wishes offers a range of humorous takes on marriage and companionship, perfect for adding a light-hearted twist to your congratulations.

If you send them in a card, a text message, or say them out loud, these wishes are sure to bring joy and laughter to the happy couple.

Here’s to many more years of love, laughter, and the occasional friendly argument about the remote control.

Have you wished your friend a happy new month? Take a look at our happy new month messages to keep your relationships going.

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